Professional Realtors vs Weekend Hobbyists

Buying or selling a home can be an exciting experience. But navigating the complexities of the housing market can also be a bit overwhelming. This is where a skilled and Experienced Realtor can make all the difference. Are all Realtors are created equal? It’s one of the biggest misunderstandings I hear on the real estate market of today and it’s simply not true. That’s like saying all Football players are the same, all teachers are the same, all mechanics are the same, all Doctors or all Pastors are the same, nothing could be further from the truth.

Over the years, there have been many changes in real estate; one part that should never change is honest communication. The purchase or sale of a home is one of the biggest financial decisions of your life and that is not the time for on-the-job training.

In Minnesota, there were 22,711 members in January 2022. In 2023, there has been a decline to 21,950. YTD there have been only 27,562 sales. Then consider the top 15% of Realtors do 85% of the sales. That leaves the remaining 18,657 real estate agents …. Well, have had no sales. Do you really want someone who can’t earn a living in a business representing you? Probably not in your best interest.

The distinction between a professional and an amateur in any field, including real estate, goes beyond the commitment level and has a broader range of implications. While commitment and livelihood are certainly important factors, there are several other aspects that set apart professionals from amateurs:

Experienced Realtors know the housing market.

It’s been an Honor and a Blessing to have 46 years as a Full-time, Experienced Realtor helping good people like you with your housing needs. It’s more, to selling a house than sticking a sign in the yard and waiting for the phone to ring, a lot more!

The Professional is well-versed in communities and upcoming developments that could influence your decision. The Professional is Full-time and spends many hours each day learning about communities.  For example, you’ll want to be aware if there were any plans to construct a highway through the woods behind your prospective backyard. It’s important to consider how the neighborhood and the surrounding area might evolve before making your home purchase.  The amateur or part-timer is often referred to as a weekend hobbyist in that they don’t normally earn a livelihood from real estate sales. Part-timers need coaching or a mentor to succeed. The amateur or part-timer doesn’t have the time and can only work in real estate after hours. I can help you find a community that perfectly aligns with your preferences, lifestyle, and future needs.

The Professional understands complex contracts and is experienced in negotiations.

I can help you navigate these complex real estate contracts to make sure you fully understand the terms and conditions. Whereas, the amateur is on-the-job training, at your expense.

Often, the client only knows about their Realtor’s job based upon what they observe the Realtor is doing. But a Realtor’s job is much more complex than simply holding an open house or answering questions. Although the Professional knows how to answer questions. More importantly, my job within a transaction is to ensure your best interests, which is an understatement. Experienced Realtors know once an offer is accepted the real work begins to ensure you have a smooth and trouble-free closing. It’s follow-up, follow-up, and follow-up some more; it’s double-checking and confirming that the other parties adheres to the terms of the contract.

Tom’s TIP: While unwritten or undocumented understandings can certainly cause issues in a purchase agreement, the items that are explicitly written but not followed or adhered to can often lead to even bigger problems.


Part 2 Professional Realtor vs Weekend Hobbyist, “Here today, Gone tomorrow”  September 22, 2023

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