Why does experience matter when choosing a Realtor?

It takes more than a likable smile to succeed as a Realtor.

The Consumer Federation of America (CFA) reports real estate sales have a relatively low barrier of entry — nearly anyone can become a licensed agent.

According to the CFA report, 49% of agents had either no sales or just one sale in the past year, and 70% logged fewer than five sales. The median number was just two. The conclusion of the CFA Report is there is a glut of agents, and most simply lack the experience, knowledge, and skills, and treat the business as a weekend hobby. The National Association of Realtors’ research found 75% of Realtors fail within the first year and 87% fail within five years.

The question arises: which kind of Realtor do you want? What is the “X” Factor that separates the professional Realtor, the Top Producer, from those who will soon leave the business?

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